Archives: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020
Preparation for the career goal of a professorship: You can now register for the Junior Faculty offers in the winter semester. As places are limited, we recommend early registration.
Career planning, project management or writing research proposals: Sign up now for our postdoc workshops in the winter semester and sharpen your individual academic profile. As places are limited, we recommend early registration.
Gut vernetzt in der Wissenschaft: Mentoring³ geht in eine neue Runde. Am 18. Oktober kamen 44 Postdoktorandinnen aller Fachrichtungen der drei UA Ruhr-Universitäten auf dem Campus in Essen zum Start der neuen Linie im mentoring³ zusammen.
The Research Career Day provides knowledge and personal orientation for all doctoral researchers who would like to know more about a research career in Germany.
Nutzen Sie Ihre Chance und diskutieren Sie über Möglichkeiten einer außeruniversitären Karriere! Anmeldung noch möglich!
The Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany will take place from September 18-22. The entire program and the offers of the Research Academy Ruhr can be found here.
Nehmen Sie sich in der Hochphase Ihrer Promotion Zeit für Workshops und Diskussionsrunden im Kompaktformat. Anmeldung noch bis Freitag möglich.
Careers in non-academic research: What career options do I have in industry as a scientist with a doctorate? And what opportunities does a position at a non-university research institution offer?
Die strategische Ausrichtung der eigenen Professur ist eine zentrale Voraussetzung, um wissenschaftlich erfolgreich zu sein.
Eine bewusste und kluge Ausgestaltung der eigenen Rollen hilft, Einfluss zu nehmen und Zusammenarbeit aktiv zu gestalten.
Zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt suchen wir für die Research Academy Ruhr und das Graduate Center Plus Verstärkung im Bereich Öffentlichkeitsarbeit & Kommunikation (m/w/d, unbefristet). Bewerbungen sind noch bis zum 16. Juli möglich.
Successful project work requires project management skills and also the knowledge of how to build a team and work with a variety of different personalities.
By learning how to analyse your competences, you will achieve a deeper understanding of what you bring to the table for future employers and what job profiles fit you best.
Wie lässt sich ein griffiges Statement für eine Nachrichtensendung formulieren? Wie können komplizierte Forschungsinhalte den Lesern oder Hörern nahegebracht werden? Welche Erwartungen haben Journalist*innen an Forschende?
Der zweitägige Postdoc-Workshop am 23. und 26. Juni gibt eine Einführung in Grundlagen und Strategien zum Einwerben von Drittmitteln über Forschungsanträge.
In diesem Workshop am 21. Juni werden generische Grundlagen des Forschungsdatenmanagements vermittelt.
Im Herbst 2023 startet die neue Programmlinie mentoring³ zur Karriereentwicklung für Postdoktorandinnen. Das Programm läuft über zwei Jahre und beinhaltet Mentorship, Workshops und Netzwerktreffen.
Für fortgeschrittene Wissenschaftler*innen (Junior Faculty) aller Fachrichtungen bietet CoachingPLUS eine Kombination aus Seminar und Einzelcoaching. Das Programm für das Sommersemester 2023 ist jetzt online
Auf dem Weg zur Professur nehmen Sie selbst einige Weichenstellungen vor, um Ihre Karriere erfolgreich zu gestalten. Am 22.&23. Mai geht es um die Herausforderungen, die optimalen Schritte zu planen und auch zu gehen, um im Kontext der Konkurrenz im jeweiligen Fachbereich die Chance auf eine Professur zu erhöhen.
An der TU Dortmund findet am 20. und 21. Juli eine PhD Summer School für Doktorand*innen statt, die in interdisziplinären Kontexten an den Schnittstellen von Sozial- und Technikwissenschaften forschen. Insbesondere stehen methodische und strategische Fragen im Zentrum.
On 26 April 2023, 1:00–5:00 pm, the Graduate Center at TU Dortmund University offers a face-to-face workshop on "How 2 identify transfer opportunities & design transfer projects", open to doctoral candidates and postdocs of the UA Ruhr universities.
Career planning, soft skills, acquiring third-party funding: In the summer semester, we are once again offering a series of workshops especially for postdocs at the UA Ruhr universities. We start in May with the topics "Strategische Karriereplanung auf dem Weg zur Professur" (DE) and "Vom Tweet zum Interview: Medientraining für Forschende" (DE).
What makes a successful grant proposal? In the online workshop "Writing successful grant proposals" of the Graduate Center TU Dortmund University on 29 and 30 March, doctoral candidates of the UA Ruhr universities will receive practical tips and feedback on writing research proposals. An overview of the German funding landscape rounds off the two-day workshop.
Is a doctorate the right thing for me? And if so, how do I get started and how do I organize my "project doctorate"? Our Frühjahrsakademie on 28–30 March 2023 will help prospective and early doctoral candidates answer these questions and prepare for the exciting time of doctoral research. Join our online event and register by 12 March!
How do I start my PhD? How can I make a career move to industry as a postdoc? And what makes a good doctoral supervisor? For researchers at all stages of their career, we have put together a selection of informative events and workshops in March and April.
How to put your research in a nutshell? On 15 and 22 September, RUB Research School offers an interactive Science Pitch training open to doctoral candidates from the UA Ruhr universities. Develop an individual strategy for presenting your research project and yourself as a researcher in a concise way and sign up by 11 September!
Research conditions, life situation, career paths - Nacaps is a nationwide longitudinal study on the situation of doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in Germany. The next survey will start at the end of February. Doctoral candidates of the UA Ruhr universities who have enrolled in the last two years will receive an invitation link in due time. Take part and support the research project with your participation!
Postdoc funding programs for your (inter)national research: Our next Karriereforum for postdoctoral researchers within the University Alliance Ruhr will take place online on 23 and 24 March 2023. Talk with experts and successful applicants about third-party funding opportunities and the basic steps of the grant writing process.
To international postdocs around the world: Apply by 28 February for a spot in this year's Research Explorer Ruhr (18 June–1 July)! Join in to work out research compatibility with a professor of your choice and explore possibilities to come back for a longer postdoc stay with your own funding. Benefit from workshops on postdoc funding schemes and research career options in Germany. Networking events and excursions will help you become acquainted with the thriving Ruhr Area as a potential place to work and live.
On 21–22 March 2023, we are offering a highly interactive workshop for junior faculty members responsible for supervising doctoral researchers. Your trainer, Dr Thomas Koch, will work with you to develop the necessary skills, knowledge, and understanding to guide a diverse range of PhD candidates to successful and timely completion. The workshop is also an opportunity to reflect on your own supervision style.
Call for Papers: Abstracts for the joint conference of the Gesellschaft für Kulturpsychologie and the DGPs-Fachgruppe Geschichte der Psychologie (7–9 September 2023, Ruhr-Universität Bochum) can be submitted until 30 April. The Ernst E. Boesch Prize for Cultural Psychology 2023 will be awarded during the conference. Nominations for the prize are still possible until 28 February.
In February, the Graduate Center TU Dortmund University offers several workshops open to doctoral researchers from the entire University Alliance Ruhr: Academic Presentation (7 Feb), Managing Projects for Doctoral Researchers (14–15 Feb), Von der Promotion zur Professur: Orientierung auf dem wissenschaftlichen Karriereweg (15 Feb, in German language).
Im Zentrum unseres Praxisworkshops am 1.3.2023, 9.30–17.00 Uhr, steht die Frage: Wie platziere ich mich wirkungsvoll, auch und gerade, wenn ich mich in ein einer wenig machtvollen Position erlebe? Ausgewählte Modelle zur Einordnung und Begegnung von Machtmechanismen werden vorgestellt sowie in Übungen zur Anwendung gebracht.
Due to short-term cancellations, there are a few “last minute” places available in the workshop “Academic Presentation – Getting it right!” (16–17 January 2020) at TU Dortmund University.
If you are a doctoral or postdoctoral researcher within the University Alliance Ruhr and want to take some time in the new year to prepare for your next career step or a third-party funding proposal, here are some interesting workshop and event tips.