Archives: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020
Discover career prospects in research - inside and outside the university. Experts from various research and science-related institutions will provide insights into possible career paths and answer your questions.
Is a doctorate the right thing for me? And if so, how do I get started and how do I organize my "project doctorate"? Our Frühjahrsakademie will help you to answer these questions and prepare for the exciting time of doctoral studies. The next Frühjahrsakademie will take place from 18 to 20 March 2025 in hybrid form. The on-site event on the opening day at Campus Essen will also be streamed in large parts, the workshop program on day 2 & 3 will take place partly on site, partly online via Zoom. Registration is possible until 28 February 2025.
We discuss career-related topics and trends over lunch, this year with Katja van Doren, Chief Human Resources Officer, RWE AG.
Apply for a spot in this year's Research Explorer Ruhr! Join in to work out research compatibility with a professor of your choice and explore possibilities to come back for a longer postdoc stay with your own funding.
Event tip for researchers from all disciplines at the University Alliance Ruhr who are leading their own research group, holding a junior professorship, are currently working on or have recently completed their habilitation: We are offering various short workshops for the Junior Faculty to support you in your current career phase and also with the career goal professorship. There are still places available.
Are you doing your doctorate and would like to know what a career in research means? Do you want to figure out if a research career is the right choice for you? The Research Career Day provides strategic knowledge and personal orientation about career perspectives, career paths and requirements for a career in research considering the broader scope of making a career at universities, non-university research institutions and universities of applied sciences.
On 11 November 2024 (14:30-17:30), the Wirtschaftskolleg will once again bring together doctoral and postdoctoral researchers from the UA Ruhr with representatives from business and society in an informal atmosphere to present the wide range of opportunities for non-university careers. This year, the introductory lecture will deal with the topic of “Artificial intelligence in business”. Registration is possible until 30 October.
The Research Academy Ruhr workshop offer for all postdocs & the junior faculty of the UA Ruhr in the winter semester 2024/2025 has been published. Registration for all offers from October to March is now open. As places are limited, we recommend early registration.
2024-09-17 connects postdocs from the UA Ruhr with a young, local business network. Together, the Research Academy Ruhr and the Junge Initiativkreis Ruhr invite postdocs to discuss their career prospects in the industry. In addition to keynote speeches on the career requirements and skills of postdocs and a panel discussion on switching to the industry, the interactive format also offers the opportunity for networking and 1:1 discussions with the participating companies.
The Herbstakademie opens its (digital) doors from 24 to 26 September and prepares doctoral researchers for the final phase of their doctorate in a compact format. Registration for the very varied workshop programme for advanced doctoral students from all disciplines at UA Ruhr is now open until 16 September.