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mentoring³: Apply by 30 June for the next program line for female doctoral researchers!

Female doctoral researchers from all subject groups at the University Alliance Ruhr can now apply for the next program line in the mentoring³ program. The two-year career development program for female academics will begin in fall 2024.

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Global Young Faculty Event: Be part of it - and register by 16 June to learn about international research experience!

We are bringing together early career researchers from all research fields and different career levels. No matter if local, international, guest, or fellow – join this special event to discuss the importance of international research experience, meet peers, and broaden your network. Date: Monday, 24 June 2024, 16:00–18:00h, Ruhr University Bochum Veranstaltungszentrum.

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InFokus: Register now for our online short workshops on applying for a professorship!

In the summer semester 2024, we are offering three short online workshops dealing with different aspects of applying for a professorship. The focus will be on basic considerations for the written application, tips for writing cover letters and research concepts, and the interview with the appointment committee. Registration is now open.

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Offers for the Junior Faculty in the summer semester are online - register now!

Preparation for the career goal of a professorship: You can now register for the Junior Faculty offers in the summer semester. As places are limited, we recommend early registration.

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Postdoc workshops in the summer semester are online - register now!

Career planning, project management or writing research proposals: Sign up now for our postdoc workshops in the summer semester and sharpen your individual academic profile. As places are limited, we recommend early registration.

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C-NET RNR: Forschen in politisch herausfordernden Kontexten - Fokus VR China on 25 April 2024

Die Rahmenbedingungen für internationale Forschung und internationale Wissenschaftskooperationen sind während der letzten Jahre in verschiedenen Ländern deutlich komplexer geworden. Die Veranstaltung unseres Kooperationspartners C-NET RNR beleuchtet das mit dem Fokus auf die VR China.

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mentoring³: "Eine Wissenschaftlerin - zwei Perspektiven" with Prof. Dr. Susanne Menzel-Riedl

Event "Eine Wissenschaftlerin - zwei Perspektiven": Prof. Dr. Susanne Menzel-Riedl (President of Osnabrück University and former mentor of the mentoring³ program) was a guest at an online exchange with the three current doctoral researchers lines on 30 January 2024.

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Dialogue: Wissenschaft trifft Wirtschaft on 22 April 2024 - register now!

Diskutieren Sie mit Dr. Simone Kunz, Vorständin der VIACTIV, im Rahmen eines gemeinsamen Mittagessens über aktuelle Karrierefragen und gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen.

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26. Karriereforum on 18 March 2024 - Registration deadline extended until 04 March 2024!

This year's Karriereforum for postdocs and doctoral researchers (in the final phase of their doctorate) from the UA-Ruhr universities will focus on the HAW/FH professorship as a possible career option. The 26th Karriereforum will take place on March 18, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at TU Dortmund University and offers information and discussion rounds as well as group consultations for individual questions and the opportunity to network over coffee, lunch and cake. 

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Frühjahrsakademie 2024 - Start your doctorate right (19 March - 21 March 2024) - register now!

If you are interested in pursuing a doctorate after graduation or have recently started your doctoral project, the three-day Frühjahrsakademie (19 March-21 March 2024) will provide you with valuable support: experts from the graduate institutions of the UA Ruhr universities and experienced trainers will help you find your bearings and make informed decisions.

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If you have any questions or suggestions, please get in touch with us.

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