If you are a doctoral or postdoctoral researcher within the University Alliance Ruhr and want to take some time in the new year to prepare for your next career step or a third-party funding proposal, here are some interesting workshop and event tips.
Let's get started with the digital event series "Forschung fördern am Mittag" of the TU Dortmund University's Research Support Services. From 10 January, the department invites you to short presentations on research-related topics – e.g. third-party funding, career planning, and starting a business – on five Tuesdays during the semester. More information (in German language)
On 16–17 January, the Graduate Center at TU Dortmund University offers the methods workshop "An Introduction to the Application of Rasch Measurement" in English language. The workshop is open to doctoral candidates of the UA Ruhr universities, registrations are still possible until 9 January: https://graduiertenzentrum.tu-dortmund.de
During the "Forschung fördern – Funding Week" of the TU Dortmund University’s Research Support Sevices from 23–27 January, you will receive a lot of information and practical tips on third-party funding applications and the (inter)national funding landscape. Most of the offers will take place digitally and researchers from Ruhr-Universität Bochum and the University of Duisburg-Essen are also invited to register and participate. An overview of the events of the theme week is available at: https://forschungsfoerderung.tu-dortmund.de.
The Center for Higher Education at TU Dortmund University is offering another methods workshop for doctoral researchers in February: The online workshop "Strukturgleichungsmodelle und Mehrebenenanalysen mit R" (in German language) is designed as an introduction to multivariate data analysis with R/RStudio. The course is aimed at doctoral candidates from the fields of psychology, economics, and social sciences. The participation fee is 290 euros including course materials.
From 9–10 February, UA Ruhr postdocs can explore their career options and identify an individual career path that matches their strengths and interests in an interactive workshop. The number of participants is limited to 12, and registration is open up to and including 25 January. Learn more here
How to structure, publish, and archive research data will be the topic of another postdoc workshop on 23 February. Experts from the UA Ruhr University Libraries will explain research data management strategies and concepts. The workshop is offered free of charge and takes place digitally. Sign up here by 9 February
If you are a doctoral or postdoctoral researcher within the University Alliance Ruhr and want to take some time in the new year to prepare for your next career step or a third-party funding proposal, here are some interesting workshop and event tips.
Let's get started with the digital event series "Forschung fördern am Mittag" of the TU Dortmund University's Research Support Services. From 10 January, the department invites you to short presentations on research-related topics – e.g. third-party funding, career planning, and starting a business – on five Tuesdays during the semester. More information (in German language)
On 16–17 January, the Graduate Center at TU Dortmund University offers the methods workshop "An Introduction to the Application of Rasch Measurement" in English language. The workshop is open to doctoral candidates of the UA Ruhr universities, registrations are still possible until 9 January: https://graduiertenzentrum.tu-dortmund.de
During the "Forschung fördern – Funding Week" of the TU Dortmund University’s Research Support Sevices from 23–27 January, you will receive a lot of information and practical tips on third-party funding applications and the (inter)national funding landscape. Most of the offers will take place digitally and researchers from Ruhr-Universität Bochum and the University of Duisburg-Essen are also invited to register and participate. An overview of the events of the theme week is available at: https://forschungsfoerderung.tu-dortmund.de.
The Center for Higher Education at TU Dortmund University is offering another methods workshop for doctoral researchers in February: The online workshop "Strukturgleichungsmodelle und Mehrebenenanalysen mit R" (in German language) is designed as an introduction to multivariate data analysis with R/RStudio. The course is aimed at doctoral candidates from the fields of psychology, economics, and social sciences. The participation fee is 290 euros including course materials.
From 9–10 February, UA Ruhr postdocs can explore their career options and identify an individual career path that matches their strengths and interests in an interactive workshop. The number of participants is limited to 12, and registration is open up to and including 25 January. Learn more here
How to structure, publish, and archive research data will be the topic of another postdoc workshop on 23 February. Experts from the UA Ruhr University Libraries will explain research data management strategies and concepts. The workshop is offered free of charge and takes place digitally. Sign up here by 9 February