Calendar of Events

Archive 2024

Archives: 2023 | 2024: JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNov

Thursday, 11. January 2024 — Friday, 12. January 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Forschungsdatenmanagement – Forschungsdaten effizient erheben, nutzen, speichern und veröffentlichen

In diesem Workshop werden generische Grundlagen des Forschungsdatenmanagements vermittelt und die Inhalte in Hands-on-Übungen auf die eigene Praxis übertragen.

Target group: Postdoktorand*innen aller Fachrichtungen der UA Ruhr-Universitäten

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Monday, 15. January 2024 — Thursday, 18. January 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Leadership Skills for Postdocs

Leadership has undergone changes – in parallel with changes to our work environments. Flatter hierarchies, project work in a matrix structure and more rapid changes of assignments, locations and colleagues are but some of the new challenges we all face. Interpersonal skills become ever more important when leading a team or a project: for motivation, conflict resolution or work delegation.

Target group: Postdocs of all research fields of the UA Ruhr universities

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Monday, 29. January 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Projektmanagement für Postdocs

Wie plane und strukturiere ich ein komplexes Forschungsprojekt? Und wie stelle ich sicher, dass es effizient umgesetzt wird – selbst in dem Fall, dass ich den Plan dafür gar nicht selbst gemacht habe?
Um derlei Fragen zu beantworten, wird im Kurs ein Überblick über die wichtigsten Grundlagen des Projektmanagements gegeben, wie es in Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft genutzt wird. 

Target group: Postdocs of all research fields of the UA Ruhr universities

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Wednesday, 14. February 2024 — Thursday, 15. February 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: How to advance your research career and get funded

This workshop helps early career researchers to assess their current position, align career aspirations with longer-term research goals and develop a road map for achieving them in the individual setting. Practice scenarios provide guidance on how to exploit funding opportunities effectively to build resources and capabilities for further career and research advancement.

Target group: Postdocs of all research fields of the UA Ruhr universities

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Thursday, 15. February 2024

Junior Faculty: Schriftliche Bewerbungen auf Professuren - die wichtigsten Überlegungen (Online-Kurzworkshop)

Die schriftliche Bewerbung auf Junior-, Tenure-Track- und Lebenszeitprofessuren ist eine Herausforderung. Ein besonderes Problem besteht darin, dass Bewerber*innen unterschätzen, wie schlecht Berufungskommissionen mitunter ihre Bewerbung verstehen. 

Target group: Junior Faculty der UA Ruhr-Universitäten (Juniorprofessor*innen, Nachwuchsgruppenleiter*innen, Habilitand*innen)

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Monday, 19. February 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Successful Grant Writing - Module 1: What is your “Why” and your “What” (online | for Postdocs from all research areas)

The workshop helps early career researchers to learn how to communicate their own research by identifiying the key message an to adapt to their audiences. It also offers tools to turn research into a fascinating story. 

Target group: Postdocs of all research areas of the UA Ruhr Universities

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Tuesday, 20. February 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Successful Grant Writing - Module 2: Project management and research environment (online | for Postdocs from all research areas)

The workshop will focus on essential project management tools. Besides, participants will discuss how to construct budgets and gain insights into leveraging a professional network and collaborations to enhance research proposals.

Target group: Postdocs of all research areas of the UA Ruhr Universities

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Wednesday, 21. February 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Successful Grant Writing - Module 3: How to present yourself (online | for Postdocs in the Humanities and Social Sciences)

The workshop helps early career researchers to craft a professional and effective executive summary, enhancing theimportant first impression of their grant applications. Besides, it will look into the structure of the most common funding programs as well as into the visualization of data and numbers. ATTENTION: This workshop is for Postdocs in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Target group: Postdocs in the Humanities and Social Sciences of the UA Ruhr Universities

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Wednesday, 21. February 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Successful Grant Writing - Module 3: How to present yourself (online | for Postdocs in the Natural and Engineering Sciences)

The workshop helps early career researchers to craft a professional and effective executive summary, enhancing theimportant first impression of their grant applications. Besides, it will look into the structure of the most common funding programs as well as into the visualization of data and numbers.  ATTENTION: This workshop is for Postdocs in the Natural and Engineering Sciences

Target group: Postdocs in the Natural and Engineering Sciences of the UA Ruhr Universities

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Thursday, 22. February 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Successful Grant Writing - Module 4: AI for Grant Writing (online | for Postdocs from all research fields)

AI-based tools enable researchers to work more efficiently and effectively. However, it is important for researchers to use these tools judiciously and with an understanding of their limitations and considering the policies of the funding agencies.

Target group: Postdocs from all research fields of the UA Ruhr Universities

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Thursday, 29. February 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Lieber ausgefuchst als ausgeliefert! Positionierung in unausgewogenen Machtverhältnissen

Es wird meist nicht offen darüber gesprochen, doch steht sie in hierarchischen Organisationen immer mit im Raum: die Machtfrage. Daraus ergibt sich die im Workshop behandelte Frage: Wie platziere ich mich wirkungsvoll, auch und gerade, wenn ich mich in ein einer wenig machtvollen Position erlebe?

Target group: Postdocs of all research fields of the UA Ruhr universities

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Tuesday, 5. March 2024 — Wednesday, 6. March 2024

Junior Faculty: Supervising doctoral researchers (Online-Workshop)

The programme supports doctoral supervisors in developing and reflecting the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to guide a diverse range of candidates to successful and timely completion. It explores the changing roles and responsibilities over the doctoral life cycle and provides hands-on tools and recommendations to establish and maintain a positive working relationship.

Target group: Junior Professors (with and without tenure track), Junior Research Group Leaders, Habilitation Candidates of the UA Ruhr Universities

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Monday, 11. March 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Das Berufungsverfahren - Grundlagen und Voraussetzungen (Online-Kurzworkshop)

Dieser Workshop vermittelt grundlegendes Wissen über Berufungsverfahren sowie die Voraussetzungen für eine Bewerbung auf eine Professur.

Target group: Postdoktorand*innen aller Forschungsbereiche der UA Ruhr-Universitäten

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Tuesday, 12. March 2024

Junior Faculty: Anschreiben und Forschungskonzepte für Bewerbungen auf Professuren professionell schreiben (Online-Kurzworkshop)

Die vermutlich schwierigsten langen Texte für eine schriftliche Bewerbung auf eine Professur sind das Anschreiben und das Forschungskonzept. 

Target group: Junior Faculty der UA Ruhr-Universitäten (Juniorprofessor*innen, Nachwuchsgruppenleiter*innen, Habilitand*innen)

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Friday, 15. March 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Die schriftliche Bewerbung auf eine Professur im Detail (Online-Kurzworkshop)

Dieser Workshop vermittelt grundlegendes Wissen über die unterschiedlichen Teile einer schriftlichen Bewerbung auf eine Professur.

Target group: Postdoktorand*innen aller Forschungsbereiche der UA Ruhr-Universitäten

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Monday, 18. March 2024

26. Karriereforum

The 26th "Karriereforum" is dedicated to the topic of HAW professorships.

Target group: Advanced doctoral researchers and postdoctoral researchers of the University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr).

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Tuesday, 19. March 2024

Junior Faculty: Gespräche mit der Berufungskommission vorbereiten und überzeugend führen (Online-Kurzworkshop)

Im mündlichen Teil des Berufungsverfahrens ist das Gespräch mit der Kommission für die meisten Bewerber*innen die größte Herausforderung.

Target group: Junior Faculty der UA Ruhr-Universitäten (Juniorprofessor*innen, Nachwuchsgruppenleiter*innen, Habilitand*innen)

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Tuesday, 19. March 2024 — Thursday, 21. March 2024


If you are interested in pursuing a doctorate after graduation or have recently started your doctoral project, the three-day Frühjahrsakademie will provide you with valuable support: experts from the graduate institutions of the UA Ruhr universities and experienced trainers will help you find your bearings and make informed decisions.

Target group: Advanced Master's students interested in a doctorate at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, TU Dortmund University and/or the University of Duisburg-Essen as well as early doctoral researchers of all subject fields of the UA Ruhr universities.

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Thursday, 21. March 2024 — Friday, 22. March 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Karriereorientierung für Postdocs

Um die künftige Karriereorientierung und damit einhergehende Entscheidungsprozesse zu unterstützen, bietet der Workshop Informationen über unterschiedliche Optionen sowie Anregungen zur Reflektion und zum Austausch in der Gruppe.

Target group: Postdoktorand*innen aller Fachrichtungen der UA Ruhr-Universitäten

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Friday, 22. March 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Der mündliche Teil des Berufungsverfahrens - Probevortrag und Lehrprobe (Online-Kurzworkshop)

Dieser Workshop vermittelt grundlegendes Wissen über die beiden Vorträge im Rahmen mündlicher Berufungsverfahren.

Target group: Postdoktorand*innen aller Forschungsbereiche der UA Ruhr-Universitäten

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Monday, 25. March 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Der mündliche Teil des Berufungsverfahrens - Das Gespräch mit der Berufungskommission. Ausblick auf Berufungsverhandlungen (Online-Kurzworkshop)

Dieser Workshop vermittelt grundlegendes Wissen für das Gespräch mit einer Berufungskommssion und Berufungsverhandlungen.

Target group: Postdoktorand*innen aller Forschungsbereiche der UA Ruhr-Universitäten

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Monday, 22. April 2024


Die Arbeitswelt und der Arbeitsmarkt entwickeln sich rasant. Dabei stellen der demographische Wandel, der Fachkräftemangel und die Technologisierung Unternehmen vor große Herausforderungen. 
Tauschen Sie sich mit Dr. Simone Kunz, Vorständin der VIACTIV, dazu aus, mit welchem Personalentwicklungskonzept sie diesen Herausforderungen entgegentritt. 

Target group: Promovierende aller Fächergruppen der UA Ruhr-Universitäten.

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Thursday, 25. April 2024


Die Rahmenbedingungen für internationale Forschung und internationale Wissenschaftskooperationen sind während der letzten Jahre in verschiedenen Ländern deutlich komplexer geworden. Die Nachwuchsakademie unseres Kooperationspartners C-NET RNR beleuchtet das mit dem Fokus auf die VR China. Sie vermittelt, wie sich größere Handlungssicherheit in der internationalen akademischen Zusammenarbeit erreichen lässt.

Target group: Promovierende, Postdocs und Mitglieder der Junior Faculty

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Tuesday, 4. June 2024 — Wednesday, 5. June 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Spread your science – Digitale Sichtbarkeit in der Wissenschaft

Karriereschritte und Fördergelder werden immer mehr an sichtbare Erfolge in der Wissenschaftskommunikation geknüpft. Wissenschaftler*innen haben über sozialen Medien oder Formate wie einen Blog oder Podcast die Möglichkeit, die breite Öffentlichkeit oder die Wissenschaftscommunity an ihrer Forschung teilhaben zu lassen. Die Fragen, die sich dabei schnell aufdrängen: Wo und wie fange ich damit an? Welches Netzwerk eignet sich für welches Ziel am besten?

Target group: Postdocs aller Fachbereiche der UA Ruhr-Universitäten

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Friday, 14. June 2024 — Saturday, 15. June 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Career Paths for International Postdocs in German Academia

In this workshop, postdocs will learn in detail about the German academic system and its career paths. The first part of the workshop (via zoom) will focus on the academic system, its structure, the politics behind it and how they impact every single postdoc position. The second day (at TU Dortmund University campus) will introduce participants in detail to the different career paths for postdocs in German academia. 

Target group: International Postdocs

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Sunday, 16. June 2024 — Sunday, 30. June 2024

Research Explorer Ruhr

Research Explorer Ruhr (RER) is a program for international early postdoctoral researchers (to-be) interested in exploring the research landscape of the University Alliance Ruhr. Benefit from workshops on postdoc funding schemes and research career options in Germany! Networking events and excursions will help you become acquainted with the thriving Ruhr Area as a potential place to work and live.

Target group: International doctoral researchers, who have already submitted their doctoral thesis, and early international postdoctoral researchers, who have recently finished their PhD.

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Tuesday, 18. June 2024 — Wednesday, 19. June 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Pursuing an academic career? Strategic career planning on the path to a professorship

The workshop is designed for postdocs for whom an academic career is a serious professional option. Participants will have the opportunity to analyse their previous achievements and strengths systematically and to determine their development potential. Different fields of competency will be examined to analyse achievements to date and to formulate goals for one’s further career development. 

Target group: Postdocs of all research fields of the UA Ruhr universities

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Wednesday, 19. June 2024

InFokus: Anschreiben und Forschungskonzepte für Bewerbungen auf Professuren professionell schreiben (Online-Kurzworkshop)

Die vermutlich schwierigsten langen Texte für eine schriftliche Bewerbung auf eine Professur sind das Anschreiben und das Forschungskonzept. 

In diesem Workshop erfahren Sie:

  • Wie Sie diese beiden Texte entwickeln können.
  • Welche Struktur sie haben und was hineingehört. 

Target group: Junior Faculty der UA Ruhr-Universitäten (Juniorprofessor*innen, Nachwuchsgruppenleiter*innen, Habilitand*innen)

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Monday, 24. June 2024

Global Young Faculty Event: Be part of it

We are bringing together early career researchers from all research fields and different career levels. No matter if local, international, guest, or fellow – join this special event!

Discuss the importance of international research experience, meet peers, and broaden your network.

Target group: All postdoctoral and advanced doctoral researchers from the UA Ruhr universities

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Tuesday, 25. June 2024

InFokus: Gespräche mit der Berufungskommission vorbereiten und überzeugend führen (Online-Kurzworkshop)

Im mündlichen Teil des Berufungsverfahrens ist das Gespräch mit der Kommission für die meisten Bewerber*innen die größte Herausforderung.

 In diesem Kurzworkshop erfahren Sie:

  • Welche Fragen typischer Weise gestellt werden.
  • Welche Erwartungen die Berufungskommission damit verbindet.
  • Wie Sie sich auf diese Fragen gut vorbereiten können.
  • Welche weiteren Herausforderungen Sie erwarten und wie Sie mit ihnen umgehen können.

Target group: Junior Faculty der UA Ruhr-Universitäten (Juniorprofessor*innen, Nachwuchsgruppenleiter*innen, Habilitand*innen)

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Thursday, 27. June 2024 — Friday, 28. June 2024

CANCELED - Postdoc-Workshop: Research Data Management – how to collect, use, store, and publish research data

The workshop will teach the generic basics of research data management and transfer the content to practice in hands-on exercises.

It is conducted by experts from the RDM services and university libraries of the UA-Ruhr universities.

Target group: Postdocs of all research fields of the UA Ruhr universities

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Friday, 5. July 2024 — Saturday, 6. July 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Stress management and resilience training for Postdocs

Many Postdocs are highly motivated and driven to succeed in the academic field. But while their minds are buzzing with brilliant ideas, the pressure to perform and the uncertainties in the academic field can take a toll on their well-being and productivity. If approached effectively, these challenges can also be the beginning of a deeply transformative personal and scientific maturation process that paves the road to sustainable success. The aim of this workshop is to empower participants to manage their energy effectively, step into the unknown of the research process with curiosity and have confidence into their own capacity to overcome obstacles along the way. 

Target group: Postdocs of all research fields of the UA Ruhr universities

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Monday, 8. July 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Successful Grant Writing - Module 2: What is your "Why" and your "What"?

This workshop deals with central elements in the communication of one's own science as part of grant writing: Key Message, Audience, and Storyline. The participants work on their central messages on a peer-to-peer basis, learn to adapt to their audiences, and get to know tools to tell the fascinating story of research results and data. This will include consideration of the unique selling point and pitching to peers to optimize the first impression. 

Target group: Postdocs of all research areas of the UA Ruhr universities

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Monday, 8. July 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Successful Grant Writing - Module 1: AI for Grant Writing

AI-based tools enable researchers to work more efficiently and effectively. However, it is important for researchers to use these tools judiciously and with an understanding of their limitations and considering the policies of the funding agencies. The workshop will integrate questions / material / text / ideas from participants. Content / suggestions and questions from the participants will be implemented live online as input into the AI tools. These case studies and live exercises will help participants to apply the concepts and tools to their own scientific research and proposal writing.

Target group: Postdocs of all research areas of the UA Ruhr universities

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Tuesday, 9. July 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Successful Grant Writing - Module 3: How to present yourself

This workshop highlights central elements of the presentation of research in the context of grant writing: Executive Summary and Graphical Abstracts, Structure and Visualization of Data.

Target group: Postdocs of all research fields of the UA Ruhr universities

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Wednesday, 10. July 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Successful Grant Writing - Module 4: Project management and research environment

The workshop will focus on essential project management tools as well as on on the construction of budgets and elements of the research environment that should be considered in the context of grant writing.

Target group: Postdocs of all research fields of the UA Ruhr universities

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Thursday, 18. July 2024

InFokus: Wirksame Leitung der eigenen Arbeitsgruppe – den Rahmen gestalten (Online- Kurzworkshop)

Um die eigene Forschungsgruppe erfolgreich zu leiten, ist eine klare Ausrichtung und Struktur des Arbeitsbereichs von zentraler Bedeutung.
Im Workshop lernen Sie mit dem sogenannten „Managementhaus“ ein Steuerungswerkzeug für eine effiziente und effektive Gestaltung Ihrer Einheit kennen.

Target group: Junior Faculty der UA Ruhr-Universitäten (Juniorprofessor*innen, Nachwuchsgruppenleiter*innen, Habilitand*innen)

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Monday, 22. July 2024 — Tuesday, 23. July 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: How to create successful projects and productive project-teams

Scientific and research group work-processes are more and more based on project-work, sometimes with widely disparate and diverse members. This needs competences in two areas - project management skills and also the knowledge of how to build a team and to be able to cooperate with a variety of different personalities.

Target group: Postdocs of all research fields of the UA Ruhr universities

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© Daniel Sadrowski/Research Academy Ruhr

Tuesday, 10. September 2024 — Wednesday, 11. September 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Make convincing communication your strategy

During this workshop, you will shed light on the power of communication: As you enter a role which demands responsibility, initiative and more and more independence in your research tasks, communication can be an effective tool to reach your (career) goals. The workshop will focus on different situations and communication partners and will consider power structures, roles and responsibilities. 

Target group: Postdocs of all research areas of the UA Ruhr universities

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Monday, 16. September 2024 — Tuesday, 17. September 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Managing up and lateral leadership: engaging effectively with colleagues

This seminar nurtures “lateral leadership” skills to improve communication with colleagues, address ongoing challenges with them and nudge colleagues toward the goals that matter most to each one.
On the first day of the workshop, participants are provided with a framework through which to assess their relationship with their colleagues, they identify realistic objectives that they wish to achieve, are introduced to a number of techniques to achieve these objectives and, finally, develop a plan to address outstanding issues they might have with their colleagues. On the second day of the workshop, participants meet the trainer through a series of one-to-one meetings (one hour each). 

Target group: Postdocs of all research fields of the UA Ruhr universities

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Monday, 16. September 2024 — Friday, 20. September 2024

Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany (PAW 2024)

Inspired by the celebration of the Postdoc Appreciation Week in the USA and the UK, the PAW Germany coordination team invited researchers and research institutions, postdoc coordinators and research administrators all over Germany to join us in creating a special program, events and a social media campaign to honor the incredible work of postdocs!

Target group: Postdocs from all disciplines, open nationwide

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Tuesday, 17. September 2024

Competence Profiles and Career Development (PAW Germany 2024)

This workshop is offered for female Postdocs by the Graduate Center Plus (UDE) as part of the Postdoc Appreciation Week (PAW) 2024. 

Following a competency-based approach, the participants are enabled to gain clarity about their own motives, strengths and potentials. On this basis, they can consistantly act in a goal-oriented manner and take congruent decisions regarding possible areas of personal growth. The participants are invited to develop a distinctive profile and learn strategies to communicate it in an effective way to potential employers or stakeholders.

Target group: female Postdocs from all disciplines, open nationwide

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Wednesday, 18. September 2024

Good Research Practice for Postdocs: New Roles - New Responsibilities (PAW Germany 2024)

This workshop is offered by the Graduate Center Plus (UDE) as part of the Postdoc Appreciation Week (PAW) 2024. 

The workshop focuses on the supervision perspective in the postdoc phase. Participants will exchange ideas on how they can fulfill their responsibility for teaching the basics of good scientific work in their own research environment, what experiences they have had, and what resources and support they need to do so. Typical feedback and common uncertainties of PhD students regarding data management and publication practices will be integrated and discussed.

Target group: Postdocs from all disciplines, open nationwide

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Thursday, 19. September 2024

Postdoc Impuls: Enhancing my visibility online - First steps from the personal webpage to social media (PAW Germany 2024)

This workshop is offered by the Graduate Center TU Dortmund University as part of the Postdoc Appreciation Week (PAW) 2024.

If something cannot be found online, it does not exist. So, how do you bring your research and related activities into existence? Join us for an edition of "Postdoc Impulse" that will help you enhance your online presence and showcase your expertise to potential employers, collaborators, and the broader research community. 

Target group: Postdocs from all disciplines, open nationwide

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Monday, 23. September 2024

InFokus: Strategische Positionierung und Erwartungsmanagement (Online-Kurzworkshop)

Im Workshop lernen Sie Stellschrauben kennen, um die verschiedenen Erwartungen an Ihre Rolle(n) zu bedienen und sich zugleich nicht zu sehr in der Vielfalt der Anforderungen zu verzetteln.
Der Workshop unterstützt Sie sich zu fokussieren und angemessen „Nein“ zu sagen, wenn „Angebote“ an Sie herangetragen werden, die zwar viel Arbeit bedeuten, Sie aber in Ihrer Weiterentwicklung nicht fördern.

Target group: Junior Faculty der UA Ruhr-Universitäten (Juniorprofessor*innen, Nachwuchsgruppenleiter*innen, Habilitand*innen)

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Tuesday, 24. September 2024 — Thursday, 26. September 2024

Herbstakademie 2024

Mit Erfolg zum Doktortitel: Kurzworkshops, Karrieretipps und Netzwerken für Promovierende der Universitätsallianz Ruhr. Bereiten Sie sich in der diesjährigen Herbstakademie vom 24.–26. September 2024 auf die Abschlussphase Ihrer Promotion und auf die Zeit danach vor!

Target group: Promovierende in der Abschlussphase (UA Ruhr-Universitäten)

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© Daniel Sadrowski/Research Academy Ruhr

Wednesday, 30. October 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Karrierepotenziale mit dem Kompetenzprofil entdecken

Der Workshop adressiert Postdocs, die Klarheit über ihre eigenen Motive, Stärken und Potenziale gewinnen wollen. Auf Grundlage eines kompetenzbasierten Ansatzes werden sie dazu befähigt, konsequent zielorientiert zu handeln und kongruente Entscheidungen über mögliche Bereiche der persönlichen Weiterentwicklung zu treffen. Die Teilnehmer*innen sind eingeladen, ein persönliches Profil zu entwickeln und lernen Strategien kennen, wie sie dieses gegenüber potenziellen Arbeitgebern oder Stakeholdern wirkungsvoll kommunizieren können.

Target group: Postdocs aller Fachbereiche der UA Ruhr-Universitäten (max. 25 Teilnehmende)

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Tuesday, 5. November 2024 Karriereperspektiven für Postdocs am Wirtschaftsstandort Ruhrgebiet verbindet – und zwar Postdocs der UA Ruhr mit Wirtschaftsvertreter*innen der Region. Gemeinsam laden die Research Academy Ruhr und der Junge Initiativkreis Ruhr, ein Netzwerk von Fach- und Führungskräften unter 40 Jahren aus den Partnerunternehmen und -institutionen des Initiativkreises Ruhr, Postdocs zum Austausch über deren Karriereperspektiven in der Wirtschaft ein. 

Das Ziel: Karriereperspektiven und Karriereanforderungen kennen zu lernen, über Expertise und Know-How beim Wechsel in die Wirtschaft zu diskutieren und Karrierebedingungen zu identifizieren. Das Format bieten neben Impulsvorträgen und einer Paneldiskussion auch genügend Raum für Netzwerken und 1:1-Gespräche mit den beteiligten Unternehmen.

Target group: Postdocs aller Fachdisziplinen der UA Ruhr und Mitglieder der Junior Faculty (Habilitierende, Nachwuchsgruppenleiter*innen und Juniorprofessor*innen)

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© Daniel Sadrowski/Research Academy Ruhr

Thursday, 7. November 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Career Orientation for Postdocs (2/2)

Career decisions during the postdoctoral phase regarding future career paths and steps are of significant importance and require careful analysis and reflection.
To support future career orientation and the associated decision-making processes, the workshop provides information about various career options as well as suggestions for reflection and group discussion.

Target group: Postdocs of all research fields of the UA Ruhr universities

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Monday, 11. November 2024

InFokus: Developing Research Strategies (online short workshop)

This workshop aims to support you in shaping your research for your academic career advancement.

Elevate your skills in research development to consolidate your research plans and academic profile for larger grants and professorships. Develop strategies for building research collaborations and becoming a Principal Investigator in initiatives like SFBs and Research Units. 

Design comprehensive research perspectives for you and maybe your group and learn how to effectively integrate master's and doctoral students into your research agenda.

Target group: Junior Faculty of the UA Ruhr universities (Habilitation Candidates, Junior Research Group Leaders, Junior Professors)

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© Katja Marquard/Research Academy Ruhr

Monday, 11. November 2024


Das Wirtschaftskolleg bringt einmal im Jahr Doktorand*innen und promovierte Wissenschaftler*innen in ungezwungener Atmosphäre mit Vertreter*innen aus Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft zusammen, um die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten der außeruniversitären Karriere vorzustellen.

Target group: Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers of all subject fields of the UA Ruhr universities

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© Daniel Sadrowski/Research Academy Ruhr

Thursday, 14. November 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: Career Orientation for Postdocs (2/2)

Career decisions during the postdoctoral phase regarding future career paths and steps are of significant importance and require careful analysis and reflection.
To support future career orientation and the associated decision-making processes, the workshop provides information about various career options as well as suggestions for reflection and group discussion.

Target group: Postdocs of all research fields of the UA Ruhr universities

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Thursday, 21. November 2024

InFokus: Securing Major Grants (online short workshop)

The workshop aims to advance your skills in funding acquisition, essential competencies for success in today's competitive academic landscape.

Gain an overview over major funding opportunities and understand the specifics of collaborative funding programs. Learn about the prerequisites for applying to larger grants and how to effectively incorporate plans for student and doctoral researchers into your funding proposals. 

This workshop will equip you with the knowledge to take your research funding to the next level to secure larger grants.

Target group: Junior Faculty of the UA Ruhr universities (Habilitation Candidates, Junior Research Group Leaders, Junior Professors)

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© Daniel Sadrowski/Research Academy Ruhr

Monday, 25. November 2024 — Tuesday, 26. November 2024

Postdoc-Workshop: How to Create Successful Projects and Productive Project-Teams

Scientific and research group work-processes are more and more based on project-work, sometimes with widely disparate and diverse members. This needs competences in two areas - project management skills and also the knowledge of how to build a team and to be able to cooperate with a variety of different personalities. In this seminar we teach you how to combine these two abilities. 

Target group: Postdocs of all research fields of the UA Ruhr universities

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© Raphaela Willwerth/Research Academy Ruhr

Monday, 2. December 2024

Research Career Day

Are you doing your doctorate and would like to know what a career in research means? Do you want to figure out if a research career is the right choice for you? The Research Career Day provides strategic knowledge and personal orientation about career perspectives, career paths and requirements for a career in research.

Target group: Doctoral researchers of the University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr)

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Thursday, 5. December 2024

InFokus: Managing Your Research Group (online short workshop)

This workshop aims to provide insights and strategies how to effectively manage and develop your research team.

Master the art of research group management. Identify roles and responsibilities within your team, develop effective time, self, and project management skills, and learn to set clear goals for yourself and your team members. 

Explore lab policies and understand how the university can support your research endeavors.

Target group: Junior Faculty of the UA Ruhr universities (Habilitation Candidates, Junior Research Group Leaders, Junior Professors)

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