Postdoc Workshop: Self-Presentation in Science


There are still places available for the upcoming Postdoc workshop "Self-Presentation in Science" on 15 and 16 June 2020! The workshop will take place as an online course via Zoom. Postdoctoral researchers of the University Alliance Ruhr are invited to register by 1 June.

The workshop aims at improving your individual performance by successfully communicating and discussing your research, your expertise and professional achievements in different scientific contexts. The focus lies on self-marketing strategies and professional performance in academic settings such as international conferences or meetings with peers and other researchers.

Please visit the program page for details and registration.


There are still places available for the upcoming Postdoc workshop "Self-Presentation in Science" on 15 and 16 June 2020! The workshop will take place as an online course via Zoom. Postdoctoral researchers of the University Alliance Ruhr are invited to register by 1 June.

The workshop aims at improving your individual performance by successfully communicating and discussing your research, your expertise and professional achievements in different scientific contexts. The focus lies on self-marketing strategies and professional performance in academic settings such as international conferences or meetings with peers and other researchers.

Please visit the program page for details and registration.