Research Day 2020


Communicating research is important and maybe sometimes still challenging. Especially when you explain your research topic to an interdisciplinary community or to the general public. This year’s Research Day (13 February, Ruhr-Universität Bochum) will support you in understanding and reflecting how to communicate your research beyond your research field or even beyond academic borders.

In a panel discussion experts and professors from Ruhr-Universität Bochum share their experiences about why and how to communicate research to a wider community or public actors.
In Mini-Workshops experts offer state-of-the-art and alternative formats supporting you to start working on strategies to communicate your research in diverse settings by

  • developing an elevator pitch
  • gamestorming with e.g. Lego or Playmobil,
  • sketching a graphically recorded poster.

This year we will organise the poster session in a new way: You just need to bring a Post-It summing up your research in one sentence. During the Post-It session you present your research project by putting into practice what you worked out over the day. Please register with your project description in the registration form. Please bring a Post-It summing up your research project in one sentence – everything else will be done over the day. Your active all-day attendance is required.

The Research Day 2020 is open to doctoral and postdoctoral researchers of the University Alliance Ruhr. Further information and registration at

Communicating research is important and maybe sometimes still challenging. Especially when you explain your research topic to an interdisciplinary community or to the general public. This year’s Research Day (13 February, Ruhr-Universität Bochum) will support you in understanding and reflecting how to communicate your research beyond your research field or even beyond academic borders.

In a panel discussion experts and professors from Ruhr-Universität Bochum share their experiences about why and how to communicate research to a wider community or public actors.
In Mini-Workshops experts offer state-of-the-art and alternative formats supporting you to start working on strategies to communicate your research in diverse settings by

  • developing an elevator pitch
  • gamestorming with e.g. Lego or Playmobil,
  • sketching a graphically recorded poster.

This year we will organise the poster session in a new way: You just need to bring a Post-It summing up your research in one sentence. During the Post-It session you present your research project by putting into practice what you worked out over the day. Please register with your project description in the registration form. Please bring a Post-It summing up your research project in one sentence – everything else will be done over the day. Your active all-day attendance is required.

The Research Day 2020 is open to doctoral and postdoctoral researchers of the University Alliance Ruhr. Further information and registration at